Book Review: Elysium Tide

by James R. Hannibal

publisher’s synopsis

Dr. Peter Chesterfield is one of the Royal London Hospital’s top neurosurgeons. He is also a workaholic, ordered by his boss to take a week off to attend a medical symposium at the luxurious Elysium Grand on the island of Maui. While there, Peter pulls a woman with a skull fracture from the water. Though he is able to revive her in the ambulance, she eventually dies in his arms, leaving him with only one clue to what happened to her: the word “honu.”

Increasingly obsessed with discovering the cause of his patient’s death, Peter becomes entangled in an ongoing investigation of a brazen luxury auto theft. He also becomes a source of deep irritation to detective Lisa Kealoha, who has jurisdiction over the case.

But when the two join forces, they begin to uncover a destructive plot that runs far deeper than either of them could have imagined. And if they’re not careful, they’re both going to end up dead.

Reading Elysium Tide reminded me of watching Magnum P.I.—police investigations, Hawaii, even a bright red car. It was a really fun read.

Hannibal weaves multiple layers in the plot of Elysium Tide, keeping the tensions high until the very end. I had a couple of hunches by the climax, but I didn’t guess everything that was going on.

The characters and setting were great. Tuna was fantastic.

FYI, if you’re squeamish, the book does start with a slight-detailed brain surgery, and there is another surgery later in the book as well. I personally skimmed those parts. 😅

Elysium Tide was an engaging read by James R. Hannibal, and I hope there’s a sequel someday.

Cautions: semi-graphic descriptions and violence

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