
I love reading. That is the short answer as to why I write book reviews.

And here’s the long answer. I love reading, but there are a lot of books out there in the world with objectionable content in them. Navigating the literary waters can be tricky, and I would like to help you out! You can find lists of the books I’ve read and reviewed under the review tabs. Click on a title to learn about the plot and anything inside that you might not like, as well as some of my thoughts on the novel. The majority of titles I read are what I would consider a clean read.

But “clean” varies from reader to reader. Someone might tell me that a book they read is clean, when I wouldn’t define it as clean. So what do I call clean?

Clean books for me have minimal swearing. I also try to read books without blasphemy. Clean books for me don’t have sexual content. I also try to avoid books with an overbearing romance plot line. While a romance subplot can be nice, I typically don’t need an entire book just about a boy and a girl being in love. Clean books for me do not have excessive violence in them or overly graphic descriptions. I do realize that this is a harder category to pin down since everyone is affected differently by violence, but I am pretty sure that this is an accurate guideline. Clean books for me are not filled with modern agendas. I don’t read books focusing on transgender, LGBTQ, and the like.

Now, please keep one thing in mind as you read these reviews: I am human. And that means that I make mistakes. That means that I might forget about a violent scene, or somehow miss reading a swear word. While I will do my best to make these reviews detailed, I cannot guarantee that I will catch everything.

Happy reading trails!