Writers’ Conferences Part Two: Practical Advice

Conferences can be scary, especially if you’re shy, quiet, or introverted. But that shouldn’t stop you from going. If I could do it, so can you. 😉 Here’s some advice for your conference experience. 

*It’s okay to be overwhelmed. Lots of people, lots of books, lots of advice, lots of stimulation—it’s a lot of take in. It’s okay to retreat to the quieter areas of the conference center or go back to your room if you need to. Don’t push yourself too hard. You want the conference to be something you enjoy, not something that fills you with anxiety. 

*Remember that you’re all writers. Meeting new people is hard (unless you’re one of those people who love it 😂). I get it. But the fact that you’re all at this conference gives you something in common: you all write! That gives you a small talk topic! And if you’re nervous to talk about your writing, talk about your favorite books in the conference’s genre or ones you’re considering purchasing from the vendor hall. 

*Get enough sleep. This can be tricky, especially if you’re catching a red-eye flight to the conference. But I’ve found that I feel less stressed during the conference when I’m not short on sleep. Now, if you’re the type of person who loves chatting about writing while playing games late into the night, then go for it! But don’t run yourself into the ground. Remember that you’re human. 

*Learn the convention center layout. If you arrive before the conference begins, use the program to find out where all of the sessions you’ll be attending are and then go find those rooms. This is an easy way to make things run smoother for you during the conference. Plus, you can be that helpful person who knows where Ballroom A is. 😉 

*Wear clothes you’re comfortable in. This maybe seems a little obvious, but it’s another easy, practical way to help your conference experience. You don’t want to be sitting all day in stiff, scratchy clothes and uncomfortable shoes. Also, I personally dress business casual when I’m at writing conferences. I’ve found that dressing nicer helps me feel more confident and professional. 

Conference regulars, share some of your favorite conference tips below!

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